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 "There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit." Isaiah 11:1




The Jesse Tree Family Advent is a set of 25 advent cards.

Select the 'bagged' option at checkout to come packaged in a calico storage bag, with 3m twine and 25 mini pegs for display (sold out). We also recommend our large wooden stands - available in store - for alternative display.


Each card features:

- A title and beautiful hand drawn illustration.

- A Bible reference for the day's reading (including reference, where possible, to corresponding stories in several mainstream children's Bibles - inc. The Beginner's Bible, The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible, The Big Picture Story Bible, The Jesus Storybook Bible & The Gospel Story Bible).

- Several featured verses from the days reading (NIV 2011).

- Questions to help families reflect on the meaning of the day's reading and how it points us to Jesus.




The Jesse Tree Advent is a long standing Christmas tradition used to count down the days from December 1st to the 25th and follows God's plan to redeem his people, through Jesus, from creation to his birth in the gospels. It gets it's name from a prophesy, made by the prophet Isaiah, that a saviour would come from the family line of Jesse. Jesse was a great, great grandfather of Jesus', but his family tree was full of sinful people - rotten branches. Isaiah's prophesy spoke of the hope of a new branch that would shoot from the stump of Jesse and bear much fruit. It promised that he would stand as a banner for the people. He would be a great ruler and he would restore his people.




The Jesse Tree Family Advent is a Bible based advent calendar that is designed to bring families together and help prepare their hearts to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, in worship of Jesus. It builds a wonderfully rich picture of who Jesus is and why he came. We pray that it fills you with awe and praise for our great God and his son - the King of Kings, Jesus.

The Jesse Tree Family Advent

$20.00 Regular Price
$14.00Sale Price
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